UFO News (part of the UFO Sighting's Footage trio) YouTube Channel
UFO Sighting's YouTube channel is one hell of a UFO News channel, literally. It's part of the UFO Sighting's Footage and Ufosfootage empire. That's sounds so good, my empire!
Lol. I'm growing it at a steady rate. In just a few months from now, I'm going to be taking my website and my YouTube channel and I'll be taking it to the next chapter.
I'll be going live in the field (so-to-speak) from hotspots around the UK. Nearly 75% of this "new chapter" is in place. The funding, done! The equipment, bought. Hotspots figured out.
I just need a license and thing's will be notched up a level. I'm actually really looking forward to this new chapter in my life. It's doing something that I love doing, and managing to get answers and furthering "our" ie yours and mine Ufology knowledge, is exactly why I'm doing this.